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Continuing Education
Resources and Troubleshooting

To qualify for CE credits you need to:

Attend the LIVE webinar at the time posted on our website and CE materials.

If you watch a webinar at any other time than what is posted, you are watching a recording and will not qualify for CE credits.

Remain logged in to webinar for the full hour

The webinars system tracks your attendance. If you get logged out just log back in.

Answer all three
poll questions

Answer via:
• Submit button on-screen
• Q&A panel
• email answers to

Use the emailed link to submit for your CE credits

The link will be emailed 48 hours after the webinar and you should respond within 72 hours if possible.

   For more info email

CE Credits

Courses have been submitted for approval for 1-hour of CE for the following license types:

Pre-approved Adjuster (AK, AL, AR, CA WC, DE, FL, GA, ID, IN, KY, LA, MS, NC, NH, NM, NV, OK, OR, TX, UT, WV, WY); Certified Case Manager (CCM); National Nurse; Certification of Disability Management Specialists (CDMS); Commission on Rehabilitation Counselor (CRC); and Certified Medicare Secondary Payer (CMSP) for CE accreditation.

For states that do not require prior approval, the adjuster is responsible for submitting their attendance certificate to the appropriate state agency to determine if continuing education credits can be applied.

General Webinar information

  • If your schedule permits, please log in the webinar 5-10 minutes ahead of the presentation start time
  • Webinars are scheduled in the Eastern time zone
  • You can only qualify for CE credits if you attend the LIVE version of the webinar at the time posted on the website and in our materials.
  • If you have difficulty logging with the webinar system, you may need to speak with your internal IT/IS team about an access issue.
  • The inability to log into On24 for the webinar may disqualify you from receiving continuing education credit for this course.
  • Audio for the webinars is through your computer. There is no dial-in option available.

Logging in

Use the unique link emailed to you from upon registration or in the reminder email sent the day before the webinar. Do not share your link with others. This information/link is tied to your name and is how we track your participation.

If you cannot locate your login information, please click here to re-register or to go to the webinar event lobby to add the webinar to your calendar to join.


Logging in issues

  • Refer to the On24 System Requirements 
  • You may need to speak with your internal IT/IS team about an access issue

Audio or Visual issues

  • Refresh your screen
  • Make sure speakers are turned up and, if used, headphones are placed properly
    (There is no dial-in number for this webinar. Audio is through your computer only.)
  • Switch web browsers (Chrome tends to work well)
  • Log off and log back in

On24 System requirements

  • Windows 7+ (Microsoft Edge, Latest Internet Explorer, Firefox, or Chrome)
  • Apple Mac OS 10.10+ (*Latest Firefox, Safari, or Chrome)
  • Android 6.x (Chrome Browser Only)
  • Apple iOs (*Latest version, Safari Browser Only)

* Official support for the "latest" version of a newly released browser, among those noted above, will be added within 8 weeks of public release. Until then, the previous version will continue to be supported instead.

If you are using an unsupported version of a Windows, Mac, or Linux operating system, you may experience difficulty in viewing and/or listening to the event.