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April 01, 2024 · Published by Risk & Insurance
A commitment to fostering an excellent client experience can help workers’ comp service providers stand out from the crowd. Stacey McKee, SVP, Client Experience, embodies that commitment. Read more...
January 18, 2024 · Published by Risk & Insurance
One way payers can ensure their patients are getting the best care possible is by partnering with a PBM that works with pharmacists from a wide array of clinical backgrounds. Tron Emptage, MA, RPh, Chief Clinical Officer and Adrienne Davis, PharmD explain why this is important. Read more...
October 06, 2023 · Published by Risk & Insurance
With significant interest in the industry regarding PBM pricing models, this article provides payers a better understanding of the pricing basics and related financial topics, including AWP or spread pricing, rebate holding, and pricing transparency. Read more...
September 27, 2023 · Published by Risk & Insurance
As the media focuses on PBM pricing transparency, it’s important to consider all the benefits a PBM can bring to the table. Michelle Nack,  SVP of Strategy and Commercial Finance, and Tron Emptage, MA, RPh, Chief Clinical Officer, explain how a good PBM should help payers. Read more...
May 01, 2023 · Optum Workers' Comp and Auto No-Fault
Cost savings programs can help insurers cut premium costs and attract clients in the notoriously difficult auto insurance line. Read more...
September 12, 2022 · Optum Auto No-Fault
While auto and workers’ comp insurers see many of the same kinds of claims, handling auto claims takes a specialized knowledge base to reach the best outcomes for payers and patients Read more...
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